This How-To will go through and highlight the steps in order to deploy your signature files to OWA for each Licensed user in your Office 365 environment.
In order to successfully run this tool, you will need to be an Administrator in your Office 365 Environment. A standard User will NOT be able to set users signatures.
Step 1:
Working in the root directory, you will need to confirm your signatures had generated correctly and reside in the folder you declared in the O365-settings.txt file. If the signatures did not create correctly, or are not in the folder declared in the settings file, return to Creating Signature Files.
Your folder structure should look like this:
Step 2:
Run "O365-DeployTool.exe"
You will be prompted by the following window. If you have errors in your settings file, you will be prompted to make corrections and re-run the application.
Now enter your email and password for your Office 365 Account.
*Password entry is in PLAIN TEXT so ensure you are in a private location when entering your password*
Step 3:
Assuming you entered the correct Email and Password, the program will not go through your licensed users and apply the signature that was created for them and will automatically set the signature as default in the users Outlook Web App.